Cucurbita Pepo
This is a mild-flavored light green zucchini-shaped summer squash, with imperceptible seeds when picked young.
This seed has been grown in Oshkosh since 2022; we originally acquired seed from Experimental Farm Network.
Direct sow or start indoors for transplanting out late May-late July. The vines are vigorous crawlers–this is not “bush” variety by any means. We do control for squash bug and vine borer (by picking off eggs in early summer), but these vines are usually strong enough to resist such pests. Here are our notes on organic pest control relevant to Fox Valley, Wisconsin gardeners.
Saving seed from squash is a little more involved than other plants, since it is insect pollinated and will cross easily with other summer and winter squashes grown within 800 feet. In urban settings, save seed only from individual mature fruits that developed after isolation and hand pollination of individual blossoms. For more information, read our guide to squash seed saving.
Use as you would any summer squash or zucchini.
Freeze raw, grated summer squash for use in baking cakes, quick breads/muffins or make the baked goods and freeze them. Make fritters or skillet cakes with grated summer squash and freeze those for later reheating in the oven. Roast or grill with olive oil and garlic or whatever seasoning you want, and freeze for later heating in oven, stovetop, or microwave.