Local Lettuce Mix

This is an evolving mix of lettuces. Embracing the “landrace” concept, which involves deliberate planting of a diverse population of seeds in close proximity, allowing them to cross. As we save seeds from those varieties that do especially well or have other desirable properties, we are creating a mix of seeds that is adapted to growing well and pleasing the gardeners in our location.

This seed has been grown in Oshkosh.

Direct sow, 1/4 inch deep, anytime from spring through late summer. If you prefer young lettuce leaves, plant successive crops every few weeks. Needs protection against rabbits. If the season is wet, slugs may be a problem on lettuces. See our guide to organic pest control.

Plants sown in spring will flower and make seed by late summer. Harvest seed when tufts of white fluff are dry and rubbing these dried flowers releases grayish-white or brown seed. To ensure that collected seed grows true-to-type plants (matching qualities of the parent plant), only one variety in a 20-foot radius should be allowed to flower at the same time. However, when lettuces cross with each other, they still grow edible lettuces (unlike squashes, for example). For this “landrace lettuce” project, we are embracing surprises and uncertainty as part of the fun and are not requiring isolation.