
Share the Harvest

Fall 2025: TBD

Many local gardeners find they have surplus of some fruit, vegetables, herbs, and/or flowers by mid-September. So, the purpose of this event is to share garden produce, learn what varieties others have been growing this year, and take home something you don’t have. There is no requirement to bring produce in order to come pick some up. Anyone who is interested in locally-grown food and flowers is welcome to help themselves. We’ll also have an informational table for OSS with volunteers standing by to answer questions and collect your suggestions. Bring a friend who might enjoy some free local produce and/or connecting with Fox Valley gardeners.

Seed Sorting Day

Fall 2025: TBD

In the fall, at the end of the growing season, Oshkosh Seed Savers hosts an event for all ages to learn about seed cleaning methods. We’re demonstrating sorting, sifting, winnowing, shelling, fermenting, drying, etc. Different types of seed require different treatments, and it is all labor intensive. So, many hands make light work! We also appreciate volunteer help packaging and labeling seeds that will be distributed from the Oshkosh Seed Savers Collection.

If you have grown and saved seed from the OSS collection, or if you have locally-grown kale or lettuce seed, we’d love to have it for this event. Those who want to contribute seed but can’t attend the scheduled event should email us ( to arrange alternative drop-off or pick up time.

In-Garden Demonstrations

We host garden tours and demonstrations during the growing season and pruning of fruit trees and shrubs during dormancy (winter). Recent topics have included isolation and hand pollination for squash seed saving and the “Florida Weave” method of trellising and pruning indeterminate tomatoes. Future topics may include organic pest control, weed management, no-till cultivation methods, small-scale cover cropping, and whatever you ask us about. If we don’t have the expertise, we’ll find it.

Seed Swaps

2025 Spring Seed Swap: March 1, 2-4 PM in the Community Room of the Oshkosh Food Co-op

Anyone with interest is welcome. Some people bring seeds and/or plants to share, but there is no requirement to do so. These events are outdoors in spring and fall, with a covered porch in case of rain/snow.

At the seed swaps, we distribute Oshkosh-grown, locally-adapted seed from the Oshkosh Seed Savers Collection. These seeds are pre-packaged with growing and seed saving instructions. Collectively, we maintain these locally-adapted strains of favorite varieties.

There is a drop off/pick up table for small amounts of purchased or collected seed you want to donate to others. If it’s not in commercial packaging, we ask that you please label donated seed with the variety name, your name, and date collected. We prefer seed grown according to isolation methods recommended by Seed Savers Exchange to ensure true-to-type seed is being passed on to others. There is table space for those seed savers who might want to distribute their seed themselves, while answering questions about it.

There are also sometimes cuttings for fruiting shrubs and perennials available if people bring them to share.

All seeds and plant materials are distributed free of charge, but Oshkosh Seed Savers accepts donations to help cover cost of seed packaging materials and website hosting.